Friday, July 13, 2012

Vision Boards: Tapping on Your Power of Visualization

Lots of things have been written about Vision Boards. Some companies have even developed IT vision board packages!

Vision boards are posters, collages depicting wishes, dreams, things people want to achieve or become. The law of attraction plays a big role and it helps you to stay motivated, concentrated and live with intention. Not only play pictures a role, but you can use affirmations, quotes and key words to give more power to your visualization.

I have been using vision or mood boards for at least 20 years. These are ideal at in programmes like team building or as an activity to wrap up a training programme. I also use vision boards during coaching sessions, especially after my clients have completed their life purpose session. Vision boards are great to activate one's creativity and power of visualization, plus they help to stay motivated and concentrated in our goals, dreams and to do's.

A couple of years ago I made a vision board for myself. It is the basis of what I want to achieve and be. Each year I review it and add or change things. It's my way of keep moving towards my goals and wishes. I frequently stop and look at what I have achieved and what need to keep growing, as a person and as a professional.

These posters can be done for an individual, a group of people or a company. When my child had problems at school, together we made her vision board. It gave her a purpose; she could look at her wishes and quantify the results. Her vision board was of great support during those difficult years. Now she is self-confident and is a happy and successful teenager.

How to make your own vision board?

Start by collecting the things in this list (this list is not exhaustive, feel free to add your own ingredients):

• Lots of different kinds of magazines. Make sure you can cut out of them

• Collect photos, drawings, etc

• Pens, paints or colours

• Things you have found in the nature

• Glue and scissors

• A big piece of paper. Cartoon is sturdier

• Sentences, words and or quotes

• Music. Quiet music with soft nature sounds is the best.

Also make sure you have a spacious place/table to lay all the materials out.

Now you are ready to for the next step.

Sit somewhere comfortably, in a quiet space (the garden, sitting room, etc) put the music on and close your eyes. Start breathing to your stomach, with intention and fill your lungs with oxygen.

• Ask yourself "what do I really want, who do I want to become?"

• Be open and give your ego a break.

• Dare to dream big and allow your emotions to guide you.

• Look at each item with intention and explore it. Ask yourself if this is what I really want? It is not important to know how you are going to achieve it, just what do you really want

When you have exhausted all your dreams go to the table and look though the magazines, photos and other things you have collected. Select the images that most fit your dreams and goals. You can use words and sentences too! Start by gluing or writing your life purpose or your photo (helps you keep your focus and intention) in the centre of your cartoon board. Then glue all the pictures you have selected, let your creativity take over. Finish by using colours and paints.

Now you have your wishes and dreams on a poster.

I have my vision board and now what?

Hang your vision board somewhere you can easily see it. Your office, sleeping room, o on your fridge...

Make a picture of it and put it in your agenda.

Look at it every day. Take a few moments to relish in your dreams and feel you have achieved them all. Enjoy your feelings of achievement. The more often you pause and look at your vision board the more it will feel real. It is now that the law of attraction starts working. Anker your dreams, envision your goals and live with intention.

Enjoy the process and do not forget to let me know how it went.

This news article is brought to you by MOVIES - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Concept of Creative Confidence

How much creative material and ideas do we feel capable of producing in a given day or for a given project? Some people believe their talents and abilities reside elsewhere. My be their interest revolve around more practical sets of instructions, mechanisms and standards. A rout that is there to be followed and never challenged or overlook. But as David Kelley of IDEO tried to convey in his March 2012′s TED Talk the spark of creativity does exist inside every one of us. Many everyday factors play a role in the dampening of the innate creative ability of humans. In our human society, where everything from the behaviors, personality and expectations for success are already well mapped out, it becomes a great challenge to develop in more depth what Kelley calls thecreative confidence or, as I understand it, the confidence in our natural ability for creative expression.

We should not think of creative as that pertaining just the realm of the arts. All fields need, benefit, rely and gain relevance not in a small part because of the creativity and ingenuity of humans. Creativity is about looking at something; an object, a problem, a situation, from new and original perspectives and finding innovative solutions. We need to embrace our creative consciousness. We need to value our human creative ability. We need to appreciate this ability as part of our everyday lives and take it even farther.

It is a challenge but one worth taking, in a process of self- assertion that will only move us closer to attaining our true potential and the posibilities of our field.

Yes, we are all capable of harnessing creativity to solve problems and find innovative ways to see and interpret the world around us. We just need to move away from the common assumptions about what type of people or personality has the creative gene and develop our innate ability to experiment and discover, imagine and create reality, which goes way beyond the realm of the arts, and into our everyday lives and a true knowledge of ourselves.

Only by gaining confidence in ourselves as creative thinkers and problem solvers is that we'll train our minds to develop stronger ideas and infuse our professional careers and personal lives with innovation and the trill of self-discovery and self-efficacy*.

You may see and listen to this TED Talk by following this link:

(* a term presented by Kelley as described by Dr. Bandura)

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Astral Projecting Past Writer's Block - An Astral Dream Solution to A Writer's Worst Nightmare

Every possible inspiration and even full plot lines are just waiting for writers in the astral plane. I personally wrote two full novels at nearly the speed of lights because I didn't need to search my brain for all the details. I simply astral projected my way through chapter after chapter.

I often read or hear about authors suffering from the affliction of writer's block. I know about it but thankfully I will never have to experience that literary difficulty for myself. I have plenty of stories and articles already backed up in my brain, if not on my hard drive yet, due to my astral dreaming ability. And there is a whole astral world of inspiration that is waiting for me to delve into it. My worst affliction is just the reverse of writer's block. I have author's torrent. I have too much to write about and not enough time to keyboard through it all.

Imagine if when you wanted to write a story you just had to go into a screening room where a finished video of the tale you wanted to tell was already playing for you. You just had put it into your own words. And what if that story you had already watched was not even plagiarized because it was a product of your imagination? Well, I do it all the time. Astral dreaming is my research assistant, my inspiration, my informative entertainment and so much more.

I wish I could tell you that astral dreaming is not difficult. Well, it is easy for me because I learned in my death experience that astral projection was real and that is the pivotal key. You have to believe that you can and then you can. I suppose that astral projecting for the first time is like quitting smoking. If you say to yourself 'I can quit smoking' and mean it, then you will quit smoking. If you say 'maybe I will quit smoking', then you've foiled your own attempt.

There is actually another similarity between quitting smoking and astral projecting. Products like nicotine gum and self-hypnosis recordings have made the task of quitting smoking easier than it was in the past. And digital audio products like binaural beats have made astral dreams simpler to accomplish too.

But let's get back to the actual benefits and uses of astral projecting to combat writer's block. When astral projecting, your every excursion into the astral realm is a story in the unfolding. Astral dreams transcend all genres too because your astral adventures can be historical, fantasy, science fiction, mysteries or romances. Whatever your taste fancies, your astral body can fly to with ease.

Interestingly too, I'm now seeing that astral projection can provide the substance for non-fiction and I suppose that I'm living proof of that. The astral realm is the next frontier from 2012 and forward.

Would you like to banish writer's block now and forever? Try astral projecting.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Gemini New Moon - Evolving Through Completions

The Gemini New Moon on June 19 is invoking a revolution in consciousness. We are moving from breakdown to breakthrough. What is not built on Truth and Love is dissolving. The "prison matrix" that has programmed our minds for the past 13 millennia is collapsing. As a result, our beliefs, ideas, systems, structures and paradigms are breaking down. These breakdowns can cause chaos, confusion and uncertainty. This can make one feel extremely uncomfortable not knowing what to expect next? Relationships, institutions, organizations, and anything that is not for the highest good must evolve or dissolve.

This is the second New Moon in Gemini. The first one was on May 20 at 0*. That Gemini New Moon was also the first Solar Eclipse in 2012. Additionally, this New Moon is at 29* and is greatly strengthened by several factors. For instance, the New Moon peaks just 32 hours before summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and winter solstice in the Southern. Solstices act as energetic gateways, allowing a greater influx of stellar radiation as the axial tilt of the Earth comes to a gravitational stand still for three days.

Moreover, the summer and winter Solstices are now also closely aligned with the Galactic Cross-the intersection between the Milky Way Galaxy with the ecliptic-the path of the Earth around the Sun-each Solstice provides a wider portal for Prime Creator's divine Love/Light energy upgrading our DNA, downloading our new codes and accelerating our evolution.

The 29* Gemini New Moon is in opposition to the Galactic Center at 27* Sagittarius. The New Moon is 5 days before the first exact square between revolutionary Uranus and evolutionary Pluto on June 24. Pluto and Uranus are triggering powerful events that will change and reshape our world forever.

Saturn stations direct on June 25 after being in reverse since February 7. Saturn is encouraging us to take a giant step forward in our personal, business and spiritual life path. Venus the Goddess of Love moves direct on June 27. Venus has provided us with the opportunity to review and reflect on our past, our core values, inner and outer resources and our relationships.

Venus the Goddess of Love wants us to live from our heart, in peace and prosperity. For instance, doing what we love for a living. If everyone had his or her basic needs met-food, clothing, housing, medical and educational. We would be free to pursue our true path with heart, passion and creativity. This would be Heaven on Earth-everyone living from their creative power. Our Golden Age is all people having access to opportunity for personal, spiritual and career advancement.

The Gemini New Moon is an anomaly. New Moons mean new beginnings, a new monthly cycle. This is where we declare our intentions for the next thirty-day cycle. However, this new moon is at 29* and that is the finishing of a cycle. Our zodiac signs move from 0-30* cycles. Thus, the 29* Gemini New Moon has more to do with completing old business and tying up loose ends. This is where we could find our greatest productivity, rather than starting new projects.

- What is complete for you?

- What is holding you back?

- Where do you feel stuck?

- What opportunities are available to you right now?

- What are you proud of that you have accomplished?

- What would you dare to dream and do if you knew you could not fail?

- If money was not a concern for you, what would you be doing?

Whatever is dissolving in our lives at this time, we want to release, let go and surrender. Our suffering comes from holding on to what is no longer serving our personal evolution. Instead, we are to make room for the new life that is emerging. June is the turning point in our unprecedented year 2012.

We want to use the New Moon energy to clean up remnants of the past that are still lingering. In this way, we are free to create the space for new ideas, exciting opportunities, and real prosperity built on a strong personal foundation.

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano

Gemini New Moon Mantras: "I Am Whole, Balanced and Complete." "I Am Flexible, Adaptable and Flowing with the Changes." "I Am Passion in Action"

This news article is brought to you by TEA - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Things to Try While in a Lucid Dream

If you want a list of ideas and creative things to try while in a lucid dream, you now have the golden treasure at the end of the rainbow. I'm going to show you ways that you can experience purpose and growth in your dreams, as well as ways you can have pure fun.

When you experience that moment of lucidity, it's like no other moment. It's when you have that sense of knowing you are dreaming, and that there is a physical version of you who is asleep. That deep knowing you have contains a vast amount of potential for creativity and healing that will carry over into your "waking life."

Here are some exciting and enlivening things to try while in a lucid dream.

Send Prayers and Forgiveness to Others

One of the best things you can do while dreaming is to consciously send prayers and feelings of forgiveness to people in your life. If you want to keep others in your thoughts, this is a perfect time to do so.

Messages can be sent and received across the dream world, so keep your mind and heart open to this process if you feel it would be helpful to you and your loved ones.

Solve a Conflict or Invent Something

If you have some kind of conflict going on in your regular life, then it's possible to reach creative solutions in your dreams. You can also find concepts that can develop into new inventions or catalysts in your everyday experience.

The most famous geniuses throughout history claimed to have discovered their inventions or theories in dreams. You have this potential, too!

Go Somewhere New

For something less purpose-oriented, try to explore your surroundings. Many people find that in lucid dreams that they are able to create their environment and morph into new ones, while others seem to be stuck wherever they are. Either way, that's okay.

Move around and try to develop the sense of knowing you can change what this dream world looks like when you decide to. This is what the freedom of lucid dreaming is all about.

Do Something Out of the Ordinary

If you really want to have fun with lucid dreams, try doing something out of the ordinary.

  • Do a flip in the air.
  • Dive into any water you see.
  • Fly above a city like Superman/Superwoman.
  • Eat a gallon of ice cream.
  • Talk to animals.
  • Invent a language.

Get out of your comfort zone; this is the place to do it. You might be surprised at what you can do! Anything is possible when you know you are dreaming. Best wishes, and safe travels.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How Making A Vision Board Can Be Helpful For Planning Your Life

When you first hear of a vision board you may find yourself wondering what the purpose may be. While a vision board may look like nothing more than a simple collage like you may have made when you were a kid in school there is a lot more to it than that. Vision boards help you find and realize your goals and desires for the future. You can find out what you really want in life and how to go about making those dreams and plans a reality. Don't dismiss the idea as being an artsy or "hippie" approach to life changes, open your mind, open your soul and explore the possibilities that you consider to be out of reach or even amusing to you. You may be surprised to find what ideas and goals appeal to you and suddenly become possible with the right mindset!

Taking the time to meditate and determine the function of your vision board helps you narrow down a broad view of your life to a specific need and desire that you want to attain. Whether you are looking for a new love relationship, a career change or just a personal hobby to feel fulfilled and happy with your life a vision board is the way to find the steps you need to take.

Once you've decided to make a vision board and what your goal is it's not difficult to find the images, quotes and inspiration to help you find the steps to achieve your life goals. There are several ways to go about creating your vision board, you can simply make a vision board with images that appeal to you or you can include step by step inspirations to your goal or motivational quotes to inspire you to reach your goal.
Finding your inner desires and achieving them is made easier when you are in touch with your goals and have steps toward them laid out clearly on a vision board. When you are feeling overwhelmed with your life or dissatisfied with how things are going for you it's important to figure out what it will take for you to feel fulfilled and happy in your life. No goal is unattainable when you have your plan figured out.

Many people struggle through life unhappy and feeling stifled because they don't indulge in the possibilities and because they don't explore the ways that they can find fulfillment and satisfaction in all aspects of their lives. Don't be one of those people, find out what will make you happy and take the steps to make it happen!

This news article is brought to you by SEXUAL HEALTH NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Creative Geniuses of a Different Mind - Yes, They Are Here But Appear Out of Time

One of the great things about running a think tank is you get to talk to creative geniuses all day, and these are not your run-of-the-mill people, their similarities stop generally at their appearance. Sure, they look like humans, but in essence they are human plus, not due to their physical attributes, but more like Olympic athletes of the mind. Okay so let's talk.

Not long ago, I was talking to a friend, about a possible acquaintance. I hadn't remembered the name of the individual, or perhaps I never got their name, as it was someone I met in passing. The individual we were talking about appeared to be of a different mind, perhaps savant tendencies or with hype-functioning Asperger's, socially quirky, but flowing in information. I explained to my friend that if it was the same person he'd know it, as this possible mutual acquaintance had hyper-mental acuity, perhaps it would be similar experience to meeting a championship Jeopardy player, but me without the social skills.

The person we were discussing had a brain and mind of a highly evolved applied and practical engineering background (know-it-all type), and I mentioned to my friend if that's what the guy was like, then we were talking about the same person. Now then, I wanted to bring this up because it is often difficult to explain what a creative genius is, you can't tell by the color of their skin, nationality, or anything like that, rather you can only describe how they take in and present information. You can only describe those differentialities in the way they think.

They may or may not stand out in a crowd, although they may dress differently, perhaps because they don't care about the social aspect of our overall civilization. They may seem scatterbrained, because their mind is off thinking about something else, probably something much more valuable than idle chitchat, cocktail party talk about the weather, or the talking points from political pundits on TV. They are operating on a different plane. Perhaps that's what I like about the creative geniuses I meet every day, they aren't like everyone else.

Indeed, I'd go so far as to say that is a good thing, but in some cases perhaps it isn't, perhaps they don't relate well with regular folks who are under 130 level IQs, which is most everyone, therefore it makes things tough, I suppose. Yes, creative geniuses appear to be out of time, and of a totally different mind. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Learn To Nurture The Artist Within

Je m'appelle John-Michael. Je suis un artiste. (I am called John-Michael, I am an artist) For the past four months I have been spending twenty hours a week studying French instead working on my oil painting.

I am guilty of not taking the time to nurture the artist within. It seems that my life gets in the way, work, school, homework, family and the simple things like cleaning the apartment or laundry.

Maybe my journey as an artist will resonate with you...are you guilty of creating an endless cycle of lists and projects, which you are unable to break free from? This is the list that never goes away and disrupts inspiration. This can be very frustrating and disheartening for everyone involved. But please realize it is something that we must all work through, as this is a difficult obstacle. We only have so much energy in a day and at the end of the day, art is the thing that often gets postponed. We must allow the creative energy time to establish a dialog with the artist, but also allow for the time for the art to express itself.

I am reminded of the person who believes that they must wait until they retire before going on that once in a lifetime vacation, feeling that they have finally earned the privilege...only to die the day before they are to leave.

What will happens if you wait for your dreams to come true. What if you wait too long... you know the time will always escape our grasp. The days pass so quickly and nothing is left but memories... memories of the future.

Can you remember a night of staying up late intoxicated by the energy of a simple dream? Nurture this energy to flow through your being, as it will reveal your path. You do not want to wait till the dream is over to be able to enjoy it. Begin by creating a block of time that is reserved for your inner artist each day. This can manifest in infinite ways; connecting with other artists, reading, doodling, looking at pictures, or anything that provides time to celebrate and bond with your inner artist.

We are all students of the creative process whether you have been an artist for six months or thirty years we are always learning and striving to move forward.

Now your assignment is to have fun and create!

This news article is brought to you by FOOD AND DRINKS NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Importance of Getting Away From It All

Do you feel that you can't get by without your cellphone or computer?

Does being available all of the time weigh on you?

Do you wish you could just leave it and go away on vacation?

Do you hesitate to take the time or spend the money to do so?

Know what? By NOT getting away, you may just be heading for chronic overload, sending your adrenals and mind into constant fiery action and overload, without giving your nervous system downtime to reboot and recharge from time to time.

By not allowing our systems downtime, we go into a perpetual situation of being "on", being too full, getting chronically tired and mentally overloaded, feeling kind of boggy and uninspired. It can also lead to chronic fatigue syndrome or adrenal burnout.

Because we live in such a turned on society, many of us haven't developed the habit of allowing ourselves time and space to balance and even to consider what suits us best, in terms of the tasks we perform. Some of us are simply on automatic and don't pay attention to what makes us happy and joyful.

Do you think about this? Do you review what is happening in your life and reevaluate?

We need to let ourselves just chill, to get away and to breathe different air, see different places, do things that are new and unfamiliar to get ourselves back into the stream of creativity and inspiration. Doing the same thing, day after day, does not facilitate this.

So even if you don't have money to get away on an expensive vacation, set a day aside and do something different, completely unrelated to work.

Go to the beach, find a stand of trees to sit under, take a walk in nature and just allow yourself to recharge and reboot.

I just did this very thing this past weekend. I got away from my routine for 3 glorious days, doing things that I don't usually do, spending time with people I met along the way and spent plenty of time in nature in some of the best spots in Israel. Now I feel renewed, optimistic and fresh. Whew, so good!

So find a way to get yourself out of your routine and try a new thing or two, to refresh your mind and soul.

Wishing you renewal and creativity,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012

This news article is brought to you by SMALL HOUSE PLANS - where latest news are our top priority.

Delete Self Sabotage

Self sabotage shows up under many guises. It can be destructive, unproductive and down heartening to be in the midst of behaviours and patterns that are moving you away from your goals. I know how it feels as I've been there many times. Sabotaging behaviours come from deep rooted patterns you have developed over a period of time. You can be fully aware of what you need to do yet suddenly you find yourself doing something completely different. The behaviour is part of your patterning which is coming from your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is offering a behaviour as a protection from a perceived outcome.

Signs of sabotage

Zoning out in front of tv

Eating in response to an emotion

Doing exactly the opposite of what you know needs to be done

Spending way too much time on social media sites

Hearing yourself using the same old reasons and excuses for not doing something

Finding yourself doing that same thing again and again

Tips for deleting self sabotage

Get really clear on what you need to do and for what purpose....what will the outcome be

Recognise what emotions come up for you

Check if you are experiencing fear, if so ask yourself 'What am I afraid of?'

Do you run a movie in your mind? Have you created a visual of your undesired outcome? If so, change that movie to your desired outcome.

Are you hearing the story you're telling yourself, if so, try changing the voice.

Is it a feeling? If it is then again, switch into feeling how you will feel when you have completed the task, this helps you change your state quickly.

Stay away from comparing yourself to others, stay authentic to you and your purpose and outcome.

Self sabotage can make or break a project, task or outcome. It is a perceived idea playing out in your neurology to keep you in your comfort zone. Every time you move out of your comfort zone just a little bit possibilities become greater, outcomes are achieved and lessons are learned. Everyone experiences behaviours that don't support them at times. The secret is to recognise those behaviours, ask what the behaviour is protecting them from and shift gears just long enough to get you through whatever you need to be doing. The more you can do this the more resilient you will become and those unwanted perceived outcomes will become a distant memory.

This news article is brought to you by CLASSIC-CARS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

3 Strategies For Thinking Outside of The Box

Whether you are running your own business or employed by an organization or even doing whatever is near to your heart, it is essential you will need to find out methods of doing it in a very unique and different way in contrast to others. This will help you to stand tall amongst the various other players using the same activity and can set you apart from the masses. Doing things differently is often labeled as thinking outside the box and in today's challenging and very competitive online business and work scenario it is indeed becoming extremely important and critical to say the least. By thinking outside the box you would be in a position to come out with ideas and methods that can go a long way in ensuring that your company scales newer levels of great outcomes and increases in regards to sales, and profits. While there are lots of options where someone can think outside the box, for the sake of usefulness and easier grasping we have tried and put down three important methods which if done regularly could help a lot in yielding the best type of results.

The biggest issue with almost everyone is that often we do not like to talk about new ideas and thoughts with other people because we feel that we might be made to feel stupid and strange because of such suggestions. In most cases some of the best ideas and thoughts that have now become game changers in the world of business were regarded as silly and unworkable ideas just after they were first shared amongst various people. Therefore, it is really important to speak out your idea even if it can look foolish to a few others. If you experience an idea or thought which you feel is out of the box or outright radical there's no harm allowing such thoughts and ideas to get cultivated in your mind.

Another important point which could be looked at as being the second important strategy to think out of the box is to always learn how to look beyond the existing definitions or "problems" and "solutions". A common situation may be one making it possible to find professionals struggling to find answers to sell more to far more customers. Besides focusing on this problem using the angle of selling alone it would be best to seek out solutions to increase value for your service or product which is going to certainly help out with selling more to more customers.

In addition the last and most important way of thinking outside the box should be to allow as many suggestions to flow as you possibly can. You might also look into the possibility for merging, juxtaposing and modifying various ideas which could originate from various quarters. The easiest way forward to think out of the box is generally to come out of strait jacket thinking and strive to be unconventional and radical. Only then will you be prepared to come out with various new ideas that can totally modify the way you are doing business which eventually will reap in higher profits and returns.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Art of Problem Solving

Convincing people of the importance of an education in the arts can be a tough sell. In 2012, math and science are heralded above all else and the general public still tends to overlook the arts. When a school faces budget cuts - music, visual art and drama are typically the first to go.

The reality is that we are doing our children a great disservice by not immersing them in the arts. More and more studies are proving how children exposed to an arts curriculum demonstrate increased skills in critical thinking when compared to their peers.

Think about it. Why wouldn't an arts education with its focus on creativity, produce young people capable of thinking outside the box? Artists are constantly pushed to explore uncharted territory. The truly great ones are those that produce new and exciting work that has never before been created.

A study conducted by the Guggenheim Museum showed that the child with the arts background has a considerable advantage over her peers. Entitled, The Art of Problem Solving(1), this four-year research initiative was conducted between 2006 and 2010 and evaluated the impact of the educational program, Learning Through Art.

The study showed that children from the Learning Through Art program demonstrated stronger problem solving skills in three out of six areas including "flexibility, resource recognition, and connection of ends and aims". They found that problem solving was incorporated into the students' daily art lessons. Students were encouraged to make conscious choices and find multiple answers to any given problem through the creative process.

Artistic creations themselves are born through the solving of problems. Generally, the "problem" is how to communicate a certain emotion or idea through a piece of art or performance. To create something original you must first identify the problem, break it down, and then develop different ways to approach and learn from it. For example:

When an artist holds a lump of clay, she must work within the constraints of the material to figure out how to mold it into a particular form.

When two dancers are working together, they must problem-solve to figure out how to make a particular partnering section work in the choreography.

When a writer comes up with a story, he must use critical thinking to evolve the story and make it clear and exciting for his readers.

When an actress has a monologue to perform, she must consider how she will express a certain emotion through her voice or mannerisms.

Each artistic endeavor faces some form of challenge in its creation that needs to be overcome. Without even realizing it, kids that participate in the arts are consistently being challenged to solve problems. That same inventive drive is exactly the skill needed to succeed in the realm of technology and innovation.

So, how can conventional education with its focus on math and standardized tests provide its students with the same skill development? The answer is, it can't. Now I'm not saying that schools don't provide opportunities for children to explore their creativity. The problem is that for the majority of the time, students in this environment are encouraged to come up with one answer, the right one. Young people are not being given enough practice to develop problem-solving skills, because they are so focused on 2 + 2 = 4. As a result, young adults are entering the workforce with under-developed problem-solving skills.

Experience in the arts is therefore not merely desirable, but essential for our children's future success. The arts are building blocks for developing critical thinking in young people so that problems are exciting challenges to be solved, instead of insurmountable road blocks. Clearly, the benefits of the arts extend beyond than just those dedicated to pursuing a career as a musician, dancer, actor or artist. Einstein himself said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

Friday, June 1, 2012

To Sell Your Artwork You Must First Promote It

You're looking for answers to how to sell your artwork and you've come to the right place! My name is Gregory Peters and I am an artist like you. You can see my artwork in households in America and several other countries.

I've invested years of time honing my skills to produce reasonably good works of art. Additionally, I have used my creative skills to provide types of promotion, publicity, writing, graphics and other visual communications needs for companies large and small. I learned what tools are needed to get people's attention and how to use them. It wasn't always this way though.

I struggled for years to help promote my art at great cost and much wasted time. I met many other artists with the same problem. It occurred to me there must be a way to sell my artwork without having to sell my soul in pursuit of my great love. I never did stumble upon a "magic formula", but I've come close.

The "formula" is simply this:

Promotional tools + Media Usage + Market Exposure = Opportunity

Proper application of this formula leads to opportunity and that's what it's all about. No one can guarantee success, but opportunity can be achieved. Opportunity is a potential doorway to artistic success. I gathered all of my skills and experience together because of a compelling need to get my art noticed and in the process came up with a pile of information that could help other artists as well.

"It's not what you know, it's who you know."

How many times have you heard that phrase? An artist rises to prominence through their casual introduction to a well-known personality and their circle of friends. How many celebrities do you know?

You must promote yourself. It is not enough to be a good artist. You must broadcast your creativity and beat your own drum. You must be bandleader, life-support, coach, and cheering team all rolled into one. Actually, finding places to sell your artwork is easy. But wait!

It is not enough to just list places to sell art. How do you approach these places and what do you use to get the attention of the decision-maker who will agree to display your artwork? Every opportunity to sell your art must be approached a bit differently. There are many types of promotion. They are often the difference between success and failure.

While no one can guarantee this, one thing is certain.

To sell your artwork you must first promote it and yourself. You are your art after all.

So, what are you waiting for...?